Lab members
Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo
Senior Scientist & Head |
Miguel Alvarez-Cobelas
Senior Scientist |
Rafael Laso-Perez
Ramón & Cajal Researcher (coming soon) |
José Luis Ayala
Technician |
Eric Puche
Postdoc |
Judit Osorio
Laboratory Assistant |
Mariana Vargas-Sánchez
PhD student |
Andrea P. Guzmán
PhD student |
Ismael F. Soria
PhD student |
Undergraduate research assistants |
Visiting researchers/students |
Maria Isabel Ludeña Sánchez-Bayuela
Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. She is carrying out her thesis of degree on the changes in the water quality of the headwater rivers of Madrid region associated LULC changes Jaime Cano Marín Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. He is carrying out her thesis of degree on the influence of site habitat on organic matter decomposition rates in a wetland Celia Barreiro Obregón Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. She is carrying out her thesis of degree on water quality and biogeochemical resilience at long-term in Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park Enrique J. Palomino Corrales Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. He is carrying out her thesis of degree on aquatic nitrogen metabolism at ecosystem scale in a karstic lake Rosendo B. Hijar Jiménez Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. He is carrying out her thesis of degree on the effects of the presence of submerged macrophytes on the transformations of aquatic nitrogen Lorena Bougaidan Rubio Biology undergraduate student, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. She is carrying out her thesis of degree on the local habitat effects on the trophic structure in wetlands after a hydrological recovery |
Jorgelina Asmus
PhD student, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario (IICAR CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Eddy Heinnen Chemistry (environmental) undergraduate student, University of Mississippi at Oxford (Mississippi), United States. |
Former members and students
Carolina N. Viracocha Maigua (2022). Caracterización de la materia orgánica disuelta de un río tropical (Usumacinta, México). (TFG) Bachelor degree in Experimental Sciences from Univ. Rey Juan Carlos I. Advisors: I. Soria and S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Jorge Varas González (2022). Dinámica de los aceptores de electrones asociados a la producción y el consumo de metano en sedimentos lacustres tropicales. (TFG) Bachelor degree in Biology from Univ. Complutense de Madrid. Advisors: A. Guzmán and S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Beatriz López Muñoz (2022). Emisiones potenciales de metano en sedimentos lacustres. (TFG) Bachelor degree in Biology from Univ. Autónoma de Madrid. Advisors: M. Vargas-Sánchez and S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Marina Catalán Moruno (2021) Phosphorus bioavailability in wetland sediments (Las Tablas de Daimiel) and its contribution to eutrophication. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Biology from Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Miriam Miguel Ruano (2019). The decline of the cut-sedge (Cladium mariscus) in the wetlands of central Spain and the main drivers for its restoration. Master degree in Ecological Restoration from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Fátima Esteban Ruiz (2017). Respuesta de Chara hispida ante factores de cambio global. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Biology from Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Celia Ruiz-Jiménez (2015). Celia was a PhD fellowship studying nitrogen biogeochemistry in aquatic systems using stable isotopes. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo.
Dr. José Benavent-Corai (2015). Pepe Benavent has undertaken his Ph D thesis on long-term data (20 years) of phytoplankton ecology in Las Madres lake. PhD in Ecology from Universidad de Valencia. After many years in the Spanish police chasing economic criminals, his statistical and computer skills have enabled him to work in tourism companies, devoted to econometric numerical modelling. Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Dr. Lilia Serrano-Grijalva (2015). Lilia carried out her PhD research on global change effects on food-web structure of wetlands. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. After a two-year stay in the Western Sidney University (Australia), she is currently a Marie Curie Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. María José Ortiz-Llorente (2014). She investigated the effects of drought on helophyte photosynthesis and growth. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently, MJ serves as teacher in a highschool. Co-advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Francisco B. Segovia Gilsanz (2014). Reconstrucción del área ocupada por los humedales de llanura de inundación en los ríos Cigüela y Záncara. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Adrián Carrero del Tío (2013). Efectos del incremento del CO2 atmosférico en la actividad fotosintética del carrizo (Phragmites australis). (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Jesús A. Iglesias Carracosa (2013). Efectos del incremento del CO2 atmosférico en la biogeoquímica del C, N y P de los suelos de las Tablas de Daimiel. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Angelina Borobia Canadell (2013). Nutrient dynamics and metabolism in an impacted ephemeral stream from central Spain (Alberche river basin). Master degree in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Ana R. Eugercios Silva (2008-2013). Ana studied lake and groundwater flows and nitrogen biogeochemistry in Ruidera Lakes. PhD in Geology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She currently is a Hydrogeologist / Senior Environmental Scientist in Advisian (Worley Parsons Group). Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
León R. Gómez Aguilar (2013). Structure of mangrove forests from northwestern Mexico. Master degree in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Carlos Menor Salazar (2013). Methane dynamics in wetland sediments under anaerobic conditions. European Master of Inland Water Quality Assessment from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Mälardalen University (Sweden). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Juan Vicente-Sánchez (2011). Juan is an environmental manager in Las Rozas de Madrid city and he read his Ph D thesis in 2011 on the hydroecology of urban catchments. PhD in Forest engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Jorge Cordero Elvia (2011). Microbian processes as indicators of wetland eutrophication: tools for detecting global change effects on biogeochemical processes. Master degree in Global Change from Menéndez Pelayo International University (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Elisa Piña-Ochoa (2007). Elisa received her PhD studying the nitrogen biogeochemistry in aquatic environments. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was a Marie Curie postdoc at the Aarhus University (Denmark). Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Dr. M. Dolores Ribeiro Orge (2005). Dolly carried out her PhD research on wetland macrophyte ecology. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. From 1997 she is Associate professor in Universidade do Estado da Bahia-UNEB (Brasil). Co-advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Research traineeships:
Dr. Mariel Barjau Aguilar (September 2019-November 2019); she was in our Lab studying the nitrogen budget in lakes by using complementary tools as stable isotopes. Mariel received her PhD in Marine Sciences and Limnology from UNAM (Mexico) in 2022.
Dr. Emilia Ríos del Toro (September 2015-February 2016); she was in our Lab to study the anammox process using stable isotopes as tracers; Emilia received her PhD in Environmental Sciences from Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT, Mexico) in 2017.
Masuly G. Vega Puga (February-April 2014); Masuly was in our Lab modelling the light use efficiency for tropical deciduous forest; She obtained her Master degree on Natural Resources from Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON, Mexico) in 2015.
Traineeship students:
Beatriz Luengo Marquez (2022), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Rebeca Naranjo Mena (2021), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Paula Roldán Prieto (2020), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Mónica Espinosa Cano (2019), Biochemical Eng., Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia (Mexico)
María Jimena Gómez García (2019), Environmental Systems Eng., Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México)
María Alicia Esther Martínez Castaño (2019), Microbiology, Universidad Simón Bolivar (Colombia)
Brenda Lizbeth Romero Martínez (2019), Water Quality and Management, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (Mexico)
Yanet Villaseñor Cortez (2019) Biology, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolas de Hidalgo (Mexico)
Perla Y. Borja Domínguez (2018), Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Miguel I. Montaño Rodríguez (2018), Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
María Santiago Rodríguez (2017), Chemical Engineering, from Universidad Complutense
Blanca González García-Mon (2016), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Fuad Ale Enríquez (June-August 2016), Environmental System Engineering from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)
Cesar Palomino Arredondo (June-August 2016), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Miguel A. Rubio Sánchez (June-August 2016), Biochemistry Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic (Mexico)
Nuria García Magro (2015), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Guillermo García Gómez (2014), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Sonia Miramontes Beltrán (June-August 2014), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Ramiro J. Medina Enríquez (June-August 2014), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Francisco B. Segovia Gilsanz (2013), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Alba R. Bernal Cicuendez (2013), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Pablo Catalán Fernández (2012), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Lidia Ochoa (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Adrian Carrero del Tío (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Jesús Iglesias Carrascosa (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Alejandro Abadía Gil (2016-2018). Chemistry and field technician. Now as production manager at Rovi.
Angel Rubio Olmo (1982-2015). Chemical analyst dealing with water analyses and field sampling. Now retired.
Roberta Morea (2010-2011). Electronic engineer. Currently in Photonics Lab (Milano, Italy).
Manuel Benítez Gilabert (2006-2011). Mathematical ecology and modelling. Deceased.
Laura Parrilla Manada (2009-2010). Chemical analyst. Currently she works at INIA (Madrid).
Raquel Revuelta (2009-2010). Chemical analyst.
José María Alonso Polvorosa (2004-2008). Chemical analyst, now at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción (CSIC) in Madrid.
Eva Delgado López (2004-2008). Chemical analyst. Nowadays, she is working at the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología (CSIC) in Salamanca (Spain).
Palmira Riolobos López (1997-2003). Chemical analyst. Currently in the lab of a wastewater treatment plant in Madrid county.
Jorge Varas González (2022). Dinámica de los aceptores de electrones asociados a la producción y el consumo de metano en sedimentos lacustres tropicales. (TFG) Bachelor degree in Biology from Univ. Complutense de Madrid. Advisors: A. Guzmán and S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Beatriz López Muñoz (2022). Emisiones potenciales de metano en sedimentos lacustres. (TFG) Bachelor degree in Biology from Univ. Autónoma de Madrid. Advisors: M. Vargas-Sánchez and S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Marina Catalán Moruno (2021) Phosphorus bioavailability in wetland sediments (Las Tablas de Daimiel) and its contribution to eutrophication. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Biology from Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Miriam Miguel Ruano (2019). The decline of the cut-sedge (Cladium mariscus) in the wetlands of central Spain and the main drivers for its restoration. Master degree in Ecological Restoration from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Fátima Esteban Ruiz (2017). Respuesta de Chara hispida ante factores de cambio global. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Biology from Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Celia Ruiz-Jiménez (2015). Celia was a PhD fellowship studying nitrogen biogeochemistry in aquatic systems using stable isotopes. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo.
Dr. José Benavent-Corai (2015). Pepe Benavent has undertaken his Ph D thesis on long-term data (20 years) of phytoplankton ecology in Las Madres lake. PhD in Ecology from Universidad de Valencia. After many years in the Spanish police chasing economic criminals, his statistical and computer skills have enabled him to work in tourism companies, devoted to econometric numerical modelling. Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Dr. Lilia Serrano-Grijalva (2015). Lilia carried out her PhD research on global change effects on food-web structure of wetlands. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. After a two-year stay in the Western Sidney University (Australia), she is currently a Marie Curie Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. María José Ortiz-Llorente (2014). She investigated the effects of drought on helophyte photosynthesis and growth. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently, MJ serves as teacher in a highschool. Co-advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Francisco B. Segovia Gilsanz (2014). Reconstrucción del área ocupada por los humedales de llanura de inundación en los ríos Cigüela y Záncara. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Adrián Carrero del Tío (2013). Efectos del incremento del CO2 atmosférico en la actividad fotosintética del carrizo (Phragmites australis). (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Jesús A. Iglesias Carracosa (2013). Efectos del incremento del CO2 atmosférico en la biogeoquímica del C, N y P de los suelos de las Tablas de Daimiel. (TFG) Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid, Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Angelina Borobia Canadell (2013). Nutrient dynamics and metabolism in an impacted ephemeral stream from central Spain (Alberche river basin). Master degree in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Ana R. Eugercios Silva (2008-2013). Ana studied lake and groundwater flows and nitrogen biogeochemistry in Ruidera Lakes. PhD in Geology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She currently is a Hydrogeologist / Senior Environmental Scientist in Advisian (Worley Parsons Group). Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
León R. Gómez Aguilar (2013). Structure of mangrove forests from northwestern Mexico. Master degree in Ecology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Carlos Menor Salazar (2013). Methane dynamics in wetland sediments under anaerobic conditions. European Master of Inland Water Quality Assessment from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Mälardalen University (Sweden). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Juan Vicente-Sánchez (2011). Juan is an environmental manager in Las Rozas de Madrid city and he read his Ph D thesis in 2011 on the hydroecology of urban catchments. PhD in Forest engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Jorge Cordero Elvia (2011). Microbian processes as indicators of wetland eutrophication: tools for detecting global change effects on biogeochemical processes. Master degree in Global Change from Menéndez Pelayo International University (Spain). Advisor: S. Sánchez-Carrillo
Dr. Elisa Piña-Ochoa (2007). Elisa received her PhD studying the nitrogen biogeochemistry in aquatic environments. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was a Marie Curie postdoc at the Aarhus University (Denmark). Advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Dr. M. Dolores Ribeiro Orge (2005). Dolly carried out her PhD research on wetland macrophyte ecology. PhD in Ecology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. From 1997 she is Associate professor in Universidade do Estado da Bahia-UNEB (Brasil). Co-advisor: M. Alvarez-Cobelas
Research traineeships:
Dr. Mariel Barjau Aguilar (September 2019-November 2019); she was in our Lab studying the nitrogen budget in lakes by using complementary tools as stable isotopes. Mariel received her PhD in Marine Sciences and Limnology from UNAM (Mexico) in 2022.
Dr. Emilia Ríos del Toro (September 2015-February 2016); she was in our Lab to study the anammox process using stable isotopes as tracers; Emilia received her PhD in Environmental Sciences from Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT, Mexico) in 2017.
Masuly G. Vega Puga (February-April 2014); Masuly was in our Lab modelling the light use efficiency for tropical deciduous forest; She obtained her Master degree on Natural Resources from Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON, Mexico) in 2015.
Traineeship students:
Beatriz Luengo Marquez (2022), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Rebeca Naranjo Mena (2021), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Paula Roldán Prieto (2020), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Mónica Espinosa Cano (2019), Biochemical Eng., Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia (Mexico)
María Jimena Gómez García (2019), Environmental Systems Eng., Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México)
María Alicia Esther Martínez Castaño (2019), Microbiology, Universidad Simón Bolivar (Colombia)
Brenda Lizbeth Romero Martínez (2019), Water Quality and Management, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (Mexico)
Yanet Villaseñor Cortez (2019) Biology, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolas de Hidalgo (Mexico)
Perla Y. Borja Domínguez (2018), Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Miguel I. Montaño Rodríguez (2018), Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
María Santiago Rodríguez (2017), Chemical Engineering, from Universidad Complutense
Blanca González García-Mon (2016), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Fuad Ale Enríquez (June-August 2016), Environmental System Engineering from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)
Cesar Palomino Arredondo (June-August 2016), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Miguel A. Rubio Sánchez (June-August 2016), Biochemistry Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic (Mexico)
Nuria García Magro (2015), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Guillermo García Gómez (2014), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Sonia Miramontes Beltrán (June-August 2014), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Ramiro J. Medina Enríquez (June-August 2014), Bachelor in Geoinformatics from Univ. de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
Francisco B. Segovia Gilsanz (2013), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Alba R. Bernal Cicuendez (2013), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Pablo Catalán Fernández (2012), Biology, from Universidad Complutense
Lidia Ochoa (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Adrian Carrero del Tío (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Jesús Iglesias Carrascosa (2012), Environmental Sciences, from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Alejandro Abadía Gil (2016-2018). Chemistry and field technician. Now as production manager at Rovi.
Angel Rubio Olmo (1982-2015). Chemical analyst dealing with water analyses and field sampling. Now retired.
Roberta Morea (2010-2011). Electronic engineer. Currently in Photonics Lab (Milano, Italy).
Manuel Benítez Gilabert (2006-2011). Mathematical ecology and modelling. Deceased.
Laura Parrilla Manada (2009-2010). Chemical analyst. Currently she works at INIA (Madrid).
Raquel Revuelta (2009-2010). Chemical analyst.
José María Alonso Polvorosa (2004-2008). Chemical analyst, now at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción (CSIC) in Madrid.
Eva Delgado López (2004-2008). Chemical analyst. Nowadays, she is working at the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología (CSIC) in Salamanca (Spain).
Palmira Riolobos López (1997-2003). Chemical analyst. Currently in the lab of a wastewater treatment plant in Madrid county.